Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dear Dumbya

Dear Dumbya,

Have you seen the cover of the new Esquire magazine?? You've probably been too busy getting an abortion arranged for Jenna to have notices so I'll send you the link

Pretty cool, huh, numb-nuts? Some poor kid who is legless and has only one functioning arm - all because of you, Deadeye Dick, William Kristol and the rest of you heartless fucking bastards.

In a perfect world this picture would be of you, your Abomination members, Ann Coulter, William Kristol and all the war mongers at Faux "News". All photographed with no legs and only one arm. All blown off in Iraqnam.

Ann Coulter once said that Max Clelland, the former Senator from Georgia who lost three limbs in Vietnam did so to gain pity for political reasons. Will that vile cunt say the same thing about this kid?

YOU are the mother fucker who caused this Bush. You. Not Bill Clinton. Not your dad. Nobody but you. And this kid is just one of thousands out there who have been maimed and irreparably harmed for your lies.

I hope when the time comes you burn in hell for what you have done. After the War Crimes trial in the Hague, that is.

Craig Faanes

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