Thursday, December 14, 2006

"In Your Face Radio, What's That?


I had my first interaction with someone about my In Your Face sweatshirt while riding the subway home after leaving the dentist

I had positioned myself by the middle door and as we rode along I sort of swung 90 degrees in each direction hoping someone would read the front of the sweat. Finally someone did.

Moron was holding a Washington Times so I knew where his mind was.

I saw him sort of stretching his neck to be able to read all the stuff on my front so I obliged and turned to him then spread my arms out Jesus-style so there was no way he could not read the shirt.

He started the conversation "In Your Face Radio. Whats that?"

"It is what the name says. In your face. They dont take bullshit from Repugnicans."

"What kind of people do they have on there," he asked?

"Liberals. Fiscally conservative, anti-war liberals. The kind of people who care more about your ability to access health care than they worry about the profits of Exxon. People who dont care if you fuck a sheep as long as it doesn't affect others."

This seemed to piss him off and he asked, "so are you some sort of wise guy?"

I said "Nope, just a normal American citizen who is fed up with you right wingers."

By now we are pulling up to the East Falls Church metro station and he tried to get one last dig in. I cut him short.

He said "It doesn't sound like the kind of radio station I'd like."

I said "Probably not. We don't let people who call dark skinned people "Macaca" or who think George Bush has a brain on the station."

The train stopped. He was thinking of a reply and just snorted.

As the door opened and I was stepping off the train I said "Fuck you very much, sir"

And then I left.

He probably wont be tuning in any time soon OR will he be buying one of your sweat shirts, Jaye....but at least someone else in DC now knows about In Your Face Radio.

Craig Faanes

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