Thursday, November 30, 2006

Category: Security Threats – To Michael Chertoff

Name: Ben Dover


Category: Security Threats – To Michael Chertoff

Dear Mike...

This story from the BBC contained an interesting quote by you to the effect that "terrorists" using false documents could enter the United States and commit some heinous act.

Did it ever occur to you, Mike, that the last time someone entered the United States and committed a heinous act (9/11) it was after they had received a valid visa from INS?? And to top it off, you dip-shits issued visa extensions for at least four of the hijackers six MONTHS after they died in the 9/11 attacks.

I think, Mike, you need to keep this line of bullshit reserved only for comments you make to listeners at Faux "News". The rest of us are educated and can remember things beyond yesterday. That, or just keep making an ass of yourself. Each time a Repugnican does that it makes it so much nicer for us come the next election day.

Love and kisses,


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