Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dear Senator Warner,

As this article in the New York Times suggests, its time once again to thank you for being courageous and putting the will of the people ahead of partisan politics.

I don’t always agree with you because your political philosophy and mine are 180 degrees different. That is why, when you have the guts to come out and say what needs to be said for the sake of the Nation and not the sake of your party, you need to be commended.

I sincerely wish we could pack up and be out of the quagmire of Iraq tomorrow. I realize that wont happen. I sincerely hope, also, that the Democrats are in charge of the House and the Senate when the new session begins on January 3, 2007. Assuming that is the case, perhaps you will be the shining star on your side of the aisle pushing for a bipartisan solution to the mess that the Bush Administration has thrown us into in Iraq.

Again, thanks for having the guts to tell the truth. We the people whom you represent appreciate your slowly turning outlook.

Craig Faanes

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