Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dear Virulent Repugnican Shills

I found your website and diatribes about moving America forward (we used to do that before Bush drove us back to the 17th century) and after reviewing your site I have a simple question.

Who funds Move America Forward? Are you heavily funded by Richard Melon Scaife and other Right Wing nuts? Or are there others in your myopic view of reality who also contribute? Maybe Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch are on your board of Directors?? Maybe Bill Bennett contributes some of his hard earned gambling proceeds to fund your activities?

Why not put information on your websites FAQ section about who in the repressive conservative movement actually funds you sick fuckers.

Yours in fighting turists there so we don’t have to fight them here

Sieg heil, y'all
Craig Faanes

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