Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dear FORMER Senator Macaca,

Dear FORMER Senator Macaca,

Well Felix, I've been waiting forever to email you and say Goodbye MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!! You're out of the Senate you wretched son of a bitch. The only bigger asshole who deserves to be defeated was Rick Sanctimoron and he went down for the count also.

As you so famously said last summer in southwest Virginia when you saw the kid with brown skin, Virginians said to you tonight " Welcome to the United States and welcome to the real world of Virginia". That's what we said today at the polls (or as I said on October 18 when I cast my absentee ballot.)

So, dipshit are you planning to move back home to California? Maybe join a monastery and be a bigger fake Christian? Maybe you'll catch some disease that will now be curable with Democrats in control and able to pass stem cell research.
So many great things now can happen Macaca since you and your Repignican thugs are in the MINORITY....and most importantly you're out on the street.

I'm checking in from Saigon, Vietnam right now FORMER Senator. Its 3:30 pm Wednesday here or 3:30 this morning in Virginia. People here are dancing in the streets because they now know the tyranny of you and your party is out the window.

As I said earlier with so much gusto....Adios Motherfucker!!! Let me know if you need help packing up your office I'll be glad to help get you removed from the Senate Office building.

Love and kisses,
Craig Faanes
On The Air - Weds 6-8pm PST

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