Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dear Dumbya

Dear Dumbya,

Have you seen the cover of the new Esquire magazine?? You've probably been too busy getting an abortion arranged for Jenna to have notices so I'll send you the link

Pretty cool, huh, numb-nuts? Some poor kid who is legless and has only one functioning arm - all because of you, Deadeye Dick, William Kristol and the rest of you heartless fucking bastards.

In a perfect world this picture would be of you, your Abomination members, Ann Coulter, William Kristol and all the war mongers at Faux "News". All photographed with no legs and only one arm. All blown off in Iraqnam.

Ann Coulter once said that Max Clelland, the former Senator from Georgia who lost three limbs in Vietnam did so to gain pity for political reasons. Will that vile cunt say the same thing about this kid?

YOU are the mother fucker who caused this Bush. You. Not Bill Clinton. Not your dad. Nobody but you. And this kid is just one of thousands out there who have been maimed and irreparably harmed for your lies.

I hope when the time comes you burn in hell for what you have done. After the War Crimes trial in the Hague, that is.

Craig Faanes

Thursday, December 14, 2006

"In Your Face Radio, What's That?


I had my first interaction with someone about my In Your Face sweatshirt while riding the subway home after leaving the dentist

I had positioned myself by the middle door and as we rode along I sort of swung 90 degrees in each direction hoping someone would read the front of the sweat. Finally someone did.

Moron was holding a Washington Times so I knew where his mind was.

I saw him sort of stretching his neck to be able to read all the stuff on my front so I obliged and turned to him then spread my arms out Jesus-style so there was no way he could not read the shirt.

He started the conversation "In Your Face Radio. Whats that?"

"It is what the name says. In your face. They dont take bullshit from Repugnicans."

"What kind of people do they have on there," he asked?

"Liberals. Fiscally conservative, anti-war liberals. The kind of people who care more about your ability to access health care than they worry about the profits of Exxon. People who dont care if you fuck a sheep as long as it doesn't affect others."

This seemed to piss him off and he asked, "so are you some sort of wise guy?"

I said "Nope, just a normal American citizen who is fed up with you right wingers."

By now we are pulling up to the East Falls Church metro station and he tried to get one last dig in. I cut him short.

He said "It doesn't sound like the kind of radio station I'd like."

I said "Probably not. We don't let people who call dark skinned people "Macaca" or who think George Bush has a brain on the station."

The train stopped. He was thinking of a reply and just snorted.

As the door opened and I was stepping off the train I said "Fuck you very much, sir"

And then I left.

He probably wont be tuning in any time soon OR will he be buying one of your sweat shirts, Jaye....but at least someone else in DC now knows about In Your Face Radio.

Craig Faanes

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Category: Security Threats – To Michael Chertoff

Name: Ben Dover


Category: Security Threats – To Michael Chertoff

Dear Mike...

This story from the BBC contained an interesting quote by you to the effect that "terrorists" using false documents could enter the United States and commit some heinous act.

Did it ever occur to you, Mike, that the last time someone entered the United States and committed a heinous act (9/11) it was after they had received a valid visa from INS?? And to top it off, you dip-shits issued visa extensions for at least four of the hijackers six MONTHS after they died in the 9/11 attacks.

I think, Mike, you need to keep this line of bullshit reserved only for comments you make to listeners at Faux "News". The rest of us are educated and can remember things beyond yesterday. That, or just keep making an ass of yourself. Each time a Repugnican does that it makes it so much nicer for us come the next election day.

Love and kisses,


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dear Senator Warner,

As this article in the New York Times suggests, its time once again to thank you for being courageous and putting the will of the people ahead of partisan politics.

I don’t always agree with you because your political philosophy and mine are 180 degrees different. That is why, when you have the guts to come out and say what needs to be said for the sake of the Nation and not the sake of your party, you need to be commended.

I sincerely wish we could pack up and be out of the quagmire of Iraq tomorrow. I realize that wont happen. I sincerely hope, also, that the Democrats are in charge of the House and the Senate when the new session begins on January 3, 2007. Assuming that is the case, perhaps you will be the shining star on your side of the aisle pushing for a bipartisan solution to the mess that the Bush Administration has thrown us into in Iraq.

Again, thanks for having the guts to tell the truth. We the people whom you represent appreciate your slowly turning outlook.

Craig Faanes

Dear FORMER Senator Macaca,

Dear FORMER Senator Macaca,

Well Felix, I've been waiting forever to email you and say Goodbye MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!! You're out of the Senate you wretched son of a bitch. The only bigger asshole who deserves to be defeated was Rick Sanctimoron and he went down for the count also.

As you so famously said last summer in southwest Virginia when you saw the kid with brown skin, Virginians said to you tonight " Welcome to the United States and welcome to the real world of Virginia". That's what we said today at the polls (or as I said on October 18 when I cast my absentee ballot.)

So, dipshit are you planning to move back home to California? Maybe join a monastery and be a bigger fake Christian? Maybe you'll catch some disease that will now be curable with Democrats in control and able to pass stem cell research.
So many great things now can happen Macaca since you and your Repignican thugs are in the MINORITY....and most importantly you're out on the street.

I'm checking in from Saigon, Vietnam right now FORMER Senator. Its 3:30 pm Wednesday here or 3:30 this morning in Virginia. People here are dancing in the streets because they now know the tyranny of you and your party is out the window.

As I said earlier with so much gusto....Adios Motherfucker!!! Let me know if you need help packing up your office I'll be glad to help get you removed from the Senate Office building.

Love and kisses,
Craig Faanes
On The Air - Weds 6-8pm PST

Macaca, Macaca, Macaca.....

Felix you slimy little slut!! For someone who portrays himself as a "god" fearing "Christian" profamily values Repugnican you certainly have some slimy ways of showing the world how pious you are.

Now, today, we learn that you haven't been truthful with the Senate on rules related to stock options
Felix … if you were a voter and you saw someone who was as despicable and untrustworthy as you are... would YOU vote for them?? I guess you would if they were another Repugnican... since all you Repugnican swine stick together. But, Felix, consider some little old lady in tennis shoes who lives on an $800 a month pension. Do you think she will vote for a despicable son of a bitch like you? ??? I think not.
Instead of being massively embarrassed on the evening of November 7, why not just throw in the towel and concede defeat to Jim Webb now? Think of the money you will save and think of the embarrassment that you will spare your family. Come on, Felix, be a big boy and do it.

As I've asked in the last several emails to you... what are your plans for employment after you leave office in early January? Have you considered becoming a pimp?? You seem to have all the right characteristics for it.

Craig Faanes

Dear Virulent Repugnican Shills

I found your website and diatribes about moving America forward (we used to do that before Bush drove us back to the 17th century) and after reviewing your site I have a simple question.

Who funds Move America Forward? Are you heavily funded by Richard Melon Scaife and other Right Wing nuts? Or are there others in your myopic view of reality who also contribute? Maybe Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch are on your board of Directors?? Maybe Bill Bennett contributes some of his hard earned gambling proceeds to fund your activities?

Why not put information on your websites FAQ section about who in the repressive conservative movement actually funds you sick fuckers.

Yours in fighting turists there so we don’t have to fight them here

Sieg heil, y'all
Craig Faanes